Fiscal Year 2007/2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

President : Leo Chai Chiau Hung

Vice President : Leo Kong Wui Siong

Secretary : Leo Amy Ting Li

Vice Secretary : :Leo Carmen Chan

Treasurer : Leo Jong Mey sien

Vice Treasurer : Leo Kua Teck Ang

Directors : Leo Chin Lip Kee, Leo Ong Jun Kiat, Leo Esther Ngu, Leo Francis Chin, Leo Tiong ing Thian, Leo Julius Kho, Leo Killian Lau, Leo Bryan Lim, Leo Tan Shao Qian

Tail-Twister : PP Leo Kelvin Chong

BOD (FY07/08)

From 0708
Joint Installation 0708

From 0708

Toys Distribution
From 0708

Visit to SSPCA
From 0708

visit to Salvation Army Boys Home

From 0708

Mooncake Festival

From 0708

Car Wash

From 0708

Bon Appetite!

From 0708

Christmas Party

From 0708

Leo Forum at Miri

From 0708

Eye Screening

P/S: Photos of activities shown above are not all the projects carried out.