Bon Appetite!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bon Appetite is originally a phrase in French Bon Appétit which means 'Enjoy your meal'. The project was named like that because the Leos were carrying out fund-raising activities by selling food. Previously Bon Appetite! was selling sandwiches, sushi and etc. This time, OC Leo Then Tho Soon decided to sell a variety of sushi which are made by the committee. We had three sessions of Bon Appetite! which were the 3 Mondays of September. The project was held in school during the recess time. Food were not only sold to students but also to the teachers. The project was carried out both in the morning and afternoon session. Therefore, the OC and team had make this project a success.

Director Leo Bong Sze Joo, OC Leo Then Tho Soon and Assistant Treasurer Leo Ling Nie Wee. (From Left to Right)

To the Organizing committee, Congratulations for the job well done. Big thank you from the BOD and members to the Leos who sacrificed their time preparing the Sushi! =)